The beautiful surroundings, stylish interiors, exquisite cuisine, attention to the smallest details create a unique atmosphere and will provide the perfect setting for any family celebration
Special Event
Special Occasion Events
Hotel Grzegorzewski is the perfect place for hosting baptism and communion celebrations. We guarantee you a flawless organization of the event within your family circle. Our advantage lies primarily in the possibility of planning various attractions that will further empha the unique character of the celebration and ensure excellent entertainment for the children. The perfect complement to our offer is the high-quality cuisine: the menu will be tailored to your needs in every detail, and the taste sensations will remain in the memories of the guests for a long time. Our experts will oversee the preparations and the course of the event, ensuring an exclusive and exceptional setting for your family celebrations.
They write about us
Check the reviews about the events.
We are very satisfied
At Hotel Grzegorzewski, we organized a communion celebration. We are very satisfied. Everything was at the highest level, starting from the taste and selection of dishes to the service. Special thanks to the manager who fulfilled all our wishes.
I highly recommend it
The communion reception was organized with the utmost care! The food was very tasty, and the service was friendly and helpful. I highly recommend it. Emilia
Idealne miejsce
Idealne miejsce na komunie i wesela
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